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I’m Alison, the mom of three and recovering yoga pants addict behind Get Your Pretty On®. Being totally honest, I started GYPO from a place of not taking very good care of myself.

Because on some level, I didn’t feel like I was worth it.

After starting to work from home a few years ago, I lost all accountability for getting dressed. I didn’t leave the house some days so I stopped making the effort because I felt like it just wasn’t worth it.

My rut deepened and started to effect more than my appearance but also my motivation, mood, happiness and health.

I realized that something had to change and it was as easy as taking one small step in the right direction. Here’s what turned it all around for me:

I got up, got dressed and got ready for the day – and I did it just for me.

My motivation came back and my mood turned around. That one small action created big changes that still have ripple effects to this day, including setting an example for my daughters.

Many women come to GYPO feeling the same way – stuck in a rut but not quite sure where to start. Here you’ll find easy ways to get dressed every day and feel pretty again.

You have permission to do whatever makes your life prettier.

I’m here to help.

  • Maybe you’ve been so focused on taking care of others that you haven’t made yourself a priority in a long time.
  • Maybe you feel like it’s time to have something just for YOU.
  • Or maybe you’re just simply stuck in a wardrobe rut, overwhelmed by your closet or haven’t felt fashionable in awhile.

Whatever the reason is that you’re here, I’m grateful to be a part of your journey.

Take one small step today, whatever it may be. Because when we treat ourselves as worth it something magical happens – we BELIEVE it.

Your partner in feeling pretty, 

xoxo, Alison


With over two million visitors per year, Get Your Pretty On® is the go-to blog for real women who want practical style tips and advice. GYPO began in 2012 as Alison’s accountability partner to get out of her own yoga pants mom rut. Since that time, it has evolved into a place for Alison to share what she’s learned and provide easy and affordable style and beauty resources to women worldwide.


Outfit Formulas® is an online personal style program that provides members with a seasonal shopping list of trendy and classic pieces to create a capsule wardrobe of mix and match outfits that work for every body and budget. Since the first Outfit Formulas® (formerly known as Style Challenges®) in 2014, over 30,000 women in 20 countries have rediscovered their style, regained their confidence and made new friends in our vibrant community.